Why am I here?

Don’t worry, this isn’t some existential millennial crisis. Just an explanation of why I felt the need to add my voice to the many millions of other bloggers out there.

So, why am I here? Well, I like to talk…..a lot and right now,more than usual, I feel like I am overflowing with words. Why not share them, I mean I have often somewhat arrogantly thought that I had the wherewithal to write a book or two, but as with most, have never put my money where my mouth is or more aptly go out on a limb and show the world what I think I have to offer.

Now, I humbly put forth what I have in a hope that my arrogance is merely confidence and that the limb I am climbing out on will hold me up. Do I have anything earth shaking or controversial to offer? Is the next Harry Potter hidden inside me?

Only time will tell…………………..

yours hopefully,
